A Five-Point Checklist to Help You Hire a Mortgage Broker

Dan Balch |

A Five-Point Checklist to Help You Hire a Mortgage Broker

When it comes to buying a home, for most people, obtaining a mortgage is a crucial step. If you don’t have the time to shop around for the best mortgage rates and terms, you can hire a mortgage broker to do the job for you.

A mortgage broker is one stop solution for all your mortgage needs, and while you must hire one, their services are free of charge in most cases. They act as an intermediary between the borrower and the lender who negotiates the loan on your behalf. They also do the legwork on researching products in the market and then walk you through the application and settlement process. If you need a mortgage, a broker is the best way to get the right mortgage product for your needs.

To help you find the right professional for your mortgage needs, I have compiled a list of the top five things to look for when hiring a broker.

1. Experience.

Having a history in the business is vital as no two deals are alike and knowing what has been done in the past will help a mortgage broker to suggest the best deals to his/her clients in the future.

2. Knowledge.

Believe it or not, there are more than one mortgage products out there. Knowing what the client’s needs are and finding the right product is crucial to do the best for the client. The client doesn't know what is available on the market. It is a mortgage broker’s job to make clients aware of all the possible options.

3. Integrity.

A person that is not out for the almighty dollar does what is best for the client. The mortgage broker you decide to work with needs to have your best interest at heart. Hire an agent that prioritizes your needs and works for the best outcome for you.

4. Flexibility.

Sometimes deals change or come to us very quickly because of errors with other banks. Hire a mortgage broker who can readily change the deal if needed. I am very flexible in changing deals or doing last minute deals to save the day.

5. Caring.

“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Truly looking after the needs of a client requires a caring person to look at the bigger picture. Ensure the mortgage professional you are considering, always put the needs of the client before their own.

 If you’re looking for a mortgage broker in London, Woodstock, ON, contact me,Dan Balch. I have twenty-one years of experience in helping my clients achieve their home-ownership goals. I treat all my clients with utmost care and respect. To learn more about services that I provide, please click here. If you have any questions about obtaining a mortgage, I am happy to help. Get in touch with me by clicking here.